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Digestive Probiotics For Dogs

Digestive Probiotics For Dogs

Regular price €16,75 EUR
Regular price Sale price €16,75 EUR
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Benefit your dog’s digestive function by boosting the growth of good bacteria, fighting off harmful bacteria, and enhancing nutrient absorption. Keeping a healthy balance of gut bacteria will lead to proper digestion and regular, healthy stools.

Volume: 100ml


This beneficial bacteria formula improves digestion, reduces gas and bloating, enhances skin and coat health, and relieves stress. It also aids in weight management, alleviates allergy symptoms, and boosts recovery from illness. Additionally, probiotics help prevent yeast infections, improve appetite, and increase energy levels, ensuring your dog enjoys optimal health and well-being.

Balances gut pH: Maintains a healthy environment in your dog’s digestive tract.

Produces fatty acids: Discourages the growth of harmful bacteria.

Supports the immune system: Strengthens your dog’s natural defences.

Resolves diarrhoea: Helps maintain regular, healthy stools.

Encourages gut microbiome restoration: Promotes a balanced gut flora.

Produces essential vitamins: Aids in the production of vitamin K and B vitamins.

Your dog will benefit from Digestive Probiotics if he:

- Is transitioning to a new diet

- Is being vaccinated

- Has frequent diarrhoea or digestive problems

- Travels frequently

- Eats non-food items like sticks, grass, faeces, or rocks

- Has had recent surgery

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Bacillus subtilis, Bifidobacterium animalis, B. bifidum, E. thermophilis, Lactobacillus, Acidophilus, L. bulgaricus, L. case, L. plantarum, L. fermentum, Saccharomyces cerevisiae.


Add directly to your dog’s food or water bowl. Use daily for best results.

Small dogs (<10 kg) - 3ml
Medium dogs (10-20 kg) - 5ml
Large dogs (>20 kg) - 8ml

*1 dropper = 1ml